Frequently asked Questions
The Harvest Press is closed for submissions. We are, however now offering an editorial service for your manuscripts. For further information on this service please email us at editor@theharvestpress.ie
News of forthcoming publications will appear in this website during the year. -
We offer a facility for assessing, editing and critiquing your work - short novels (up to 60,000 words), short story and poetry collections. We also offer a mentoring service.
As writers with experience of publishing, we can help you navigate the self publishing journey, offering advice on editorial, cover design, blurb writing, publicity and layout.
When our submission window is open, we accept fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
We don’t accept children’s books, art books, crime, teenage-fiction or science-fiction. -
Finish your book. Have it proof read. Let the manuscript do justice to your work. Don’t submit too soon. The old advice about putting your manuscript away for a period of time before re-reading and re-drafting is solid guidance.
We strongly suggest that you have your work proof read and edited before submitting to a publisher. -
Yes, yes, yes. The more you submit, the greater your chance of being published.
Not for submitting to us. If you are fortunate enough to have an agent to promote your work, it makes the writing life easier. A good agent is a good proof-reader and editor, among other things.
Yes. Absolutely; if you follow the submission guidelines.
We are a small publishing house, producing no more than two to three books per year. If we don’t accept your work, please don’t assume that it’s not of value or a story worth telling. We are constrained by finances and scale. We may not be in a position to publish some really good books. Keep sending your work out and don’t despair!
Unfortunately, as we are both working writers, we won’t be in a position to provide extensive feedback but we will, where possible make general suggestions about your work.
We are not currently open for submissions to our publishing house.
Times New Roman, 12 point with 1.5 spacing.
Again, e-mail submission only, we will not read printed manuscripts. -
The Harvest Press will be open for submissions in January 2024.
Our publication list for the current year is now full. -
We welcome all voices. We have a particular interest in small books (by this we mean short books). We are enthusiastic about encouraging new writers.
We are greatly dependent on arts grants to support the work we do. If we are considering your work, we may discuss the option of applying/involving your local arts office in part financing the publication.
We are both working writers. We know the pitfalls, the small successes and the great rejections and the difficulties of continuing to write when the world doesn’t seem interested in your work.
Don’t despair and don’t invest all of your writing life in one book. Don’t judge your ability as a writer by the success or otherwise of a single work. Take every opportunity you can to write.
The more you write and read the better your writing will be. Write letters, blogs, obituaries, articles for newspapers and magazines, join a writing group. Attend workshops, readings and festivals. Enter competitions (if they are free), write for radio, film and theatre. Most of all, be disciplined in your writing – take your work seriously. Writing should be more than a hobby.