The Girls in the Boat Tour ‘24
Tickets for the play, The Girls in the Boat are now on sale for €15. Please find links to tickets and tour dates below.
Carlow Rowing Club, Carlow. Friday 30th August. 8pm To book tickets for Carlow click here
Confey GAA Club, Leixlip, Saturday 31st August. 8pm To book tickets for Leixlip click here
Croí Anú Centre, Moone, Co Kildare Friday 6th September. 8pm To book tickets for Moone click here
Lee Rowing Club, Co Cork. Saturday 7th September. 8pm To book tickets for Lee Rowing Club click here
St Michael’s Theatre, New Ross. Friday 13th September. 7.30. To book tickets for New Ross, click here
Neptune Rowing Club, Chapleizod, Dublin Saturday 14th September For Tickets for Neptune click here
Welcome to our June newsletter.
We've a lot happening this summer so this will be the first of three - briefer - newsletters between now and summer's end.
We are delighted to announce the publication of Father, Son and Brother Ghost, a memoir by John MacKenna. Described by Gabriel Byrne as: A beautiful book. Superbly and movingly written. A life and time recalled without sentiment. John MacKenna casts a cold eye on the sometimes indifferent cruelty of life and the unexpected joy of lanterns lit in the darkness.
The book will be launched at Athy Library, Co Kildare on Thursday July 11th at 7 pm by Dr John Macdougald and you're all invited to attend.
Music by Katie Jacques and Matthew Miller.
John appeared on The Brendan O'Connor Show on RTE Radio 1 (with guest presenter Áine Kerr ) on Sunday last.
You can hear the interview here.
John will also feature in the Irish Times Q&A column of their books section in July.
The book is available from www.theharvestpress.ie and at the following bookshops: Woodbine Books, Kilcullen; Kenny's Bookshop, Galway; Farrell and Nephew, Newbridge; Kilkenny Book Centre; Seanchai Books, Kildare; Made in Carlow, Carlow; Barker and Jones, Naas; Behans, Castledermot, Co Kildare' and Winkles Newsagents, Athy.
We're so grateful to these bookshops for their support.
We will be performing at Hinterland Festival in Kells Theatre, Kells, Co Meath on Friday next, June 28th at 730 when Katie Jacque (vocals) Shane Sullivan (Guitar and Vocals); Angela and John (Readings) will present I Remember You Well - Leonard Cohen at 90 - a performance of the maestro's songs, poems and spoken word. To our delight, the performance sold out in the original venue and has been moved to the larger theatre.
On Tuesday July 2nd, John will read from his Leonard Cohen memoir, Absent Friend, at Clonmel Junction Festival. Katie Jacques will accompany him on vocals and ukulele. The show is at 9 pm in Bakers Bar.
In our next newsletter we'll have word on upcoming performances of Angela's play, The Girls in the Boat which will tour in the autumn.
We'll also have exciting news on The Hedge School in our July newsletter.
We look forward to seeing you in Athy on July 11th or on our travels over the summer.
Welcome to our April newsletter.
April is the cruellest month, and for some, living in fear, under threat of bombardment, it is indeed another cruel month.
How do we respond to such devastation and butchery?
Most of humanity must surely be asking that question. In the absence of clarity and power we must speak up, quiet though our voices be.
….only kindness that raises its head
from the crowd of the world to say
It is I you have been looking for,
and then goes with you everywhere
like a shadow or a friend.Naomi Shihab Nye (Kindness)
The site has a new look thanks to designer Christine Brungard. Please visit and let us know your thoughts. There are sections with information on our books; The Hedge School writing and music programmes; Mend and Makedo Theatre Company and general information about the Harvest Press. We are currently working on compiling a list of publications written by Hedge School graduates.
Incongruously, the natural world is brimming with new life. Here in south Carlow, the hedgerows are full of primroses and bluebells; the plum trees are already in flower and the garden is beginning to fill with colour.
Workwise, it's also a busy time with a few projects in the pipeline. The Hedge School continues and will do so into the month of May. We have had a full house of wonderful, interesting and productive students all year and some fantastic guests including Katriona O'Sullivan, author of Poor and playwright/actor Seamus O'Rourke with his one man show Indigestion.
Angela is completing her studies in traditional Irish music in Leitrim and will be moving on to undertake an M,A. in Community Music in the University of Limerick in the autumn.
Next Publication
Father, Son and Brother Ghost a memoir by John MacKenna. This is a book John has been working on for almost twenty years. Gabriel Byrne describes it as a beautiful book. Superbly and movingly written. A life and time recalled without sentiment. John MacKenna casts a cold eye on the sometimes indifferent cruelty of life and the unexpected joy of lanterns lit in the darkness.
The book will be launched by Dr John Macdougald at Athy library on Thursday, July 11th at 7pm and you are all more than welcome. Further details in our next newsletter.
Upcoming Events
June 9th - 14th Come Healing of the Spirit : Retreat
John will lead a retreat based on the work of Leonard Cohen at the Dominican Retreat Centre in Tallaght, Co Dublin. If Cohen and his work are of interest to you and you'd like a break from the world, the retreat offers residential and non-residential options. Further information is available from the retreat centre. 01 4048189
June 28th - Hinterland. I Remember You Well
July 4th - John will read from Absent Friend, his Leonard Cohen memoir, at Clonmel Junction Festival with music by Katie Jacques and Angela Keogh.
Also in July Angela goes back into rehearsal with her play, The Girls in the Boat, which will tour at the end of August and beginning of September.
The Ceoltóirí Bianconi sessions continue in The Royal Oak, Co Carlow. We are really excited to be recording our first single Carlow of My Dreams, written by well known Leitrim singer/songwriter, Micheal McKenna.
July 11th - Launch of Father, Son and Brother Ghost at Athy library.
The Hedge School '24/'25
For those not familiar with The Hedge School Creative Writing Programme, it is a course run over ten Saturdays between October and May. Details are on the website www.theharvestpress.ie
The Hedge School Traditional Music Programme is a new wing of our creative endeavour. It also runs over ten Saturdays from October to May. Details are available on the website but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us directly.
Over the summer we’ll be compiling a list of publications by Hedge School students and where the work is available.
Other News
Current and former Hedge School students, Alan Carroll and Maria O'Rourke have recently had books published. Alan's novel A Place Like Home, is available from buythebook.ie and Maria O'Rourke's novel Defying the Curse, is available from buythebook.ie and https://www.mariaorourke.com/
Katie Jacques, one of our collaborator musicians, has moved to Cork where she is working as a vocal coach and with Cork libraries pre-school music programme. https://www.facebook.com/p/Katie-Jacques-Music-100066789225770/?paipv=0&eav=AfY6pvqmGjeuyX8eBt34S7HFbEhD2Ief-PXupuP1PzXDxH74K2Duq9TDRc33ojbEMDE&_rdr
Pan Celtic Festival '24. Thanks to all who attended the poetry and music morning. Angela facilitated Cúirt Filíochta na Féile. It was a rich and rewarding morning. How lucky we are to be able to gather in peace and share our stories and music.
We remember our good friend Mike Mahon who had been working on his memoir about his life and adventures as an airline pilot. His book was almost complete when Mike sadly passed away on December 30th 2023. His work and presence gave us so much joy, laughter and food for thought during his time at The Hedge School.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam. May he rest in peace.